Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

What are your rights in the Cinema???? (ST, Feb 18, 1994, Life, p.2)

Legally, when you have a cinema ticket, you are entitled to:

· Watch a film from its beginning to its end (unless one is thrown out for just cause, such as disorderly behavior).

· Occupy that particular seat you paid for.

· A comfortable seat.

· Litter-free and vermin-free premise.

· Clear sound and good picture quality.

What you will not get in any cinema:

· Your money back if you saw the film and did not like it.

· The right to entry under any circumstances. For example, the cinema can refuse entry if a person appears drunk or rowdy.

· The right to take in food and drinks if the cinema does not allow it.

· The right to refund because the movie did not start at the advertised time, as when there are too many advertisements.